overview background explore contact


browsing for artefacts
viewing artefact information


navigating between scenes
loading a collection
moving an artefact
scaling an artefact
rotating an artefact

explore vertice

The Vertice system is comprised of two parts; an editor and a viewer.


The editor is a standalone Vertice build which runs on a user local Windows, OS X, or Linux computer. Unique to this version of Vertice is the Import scene, which provides curators and other museum collection administrators with an ability to control which new artefacts are imported into the system, how metadata attribution is used to describe them, and what contextual media is associated with them. Furthermore, the editor version of Vertice also provides curators with an ability to create new collections of artefacts for public viewership. Visit our GitHub page to download the editor, or contribute to its development.


The viewer is a WebGL version of Vertice, allowing it to be accessed via the browser and integrated into existing institution web platforms. As the name implies, the viewer is primarily intended to allow general users with access to institutional artefacts outside of an institution’s walls. Since this version runs in the browser, user’s don’t need to install anything, and because it uses WebGL, no plugins are required. However, you do need to run this on compatible browser (Chrome or Firefox work best - see here for further information), and you will need to be on a laptop or desktop (mobile devices won’t work). Visit our GitHub page to download the viewer, or contribute to its development.